Friday, 18 September 2009


I recently purchased a polaroid POGO printer, and have been using it to make stickers with, they work pretty well, they are water and tear proof, and also very shiny. :)

Thursday, 17 September 2009

My work space.. i was taking photos of my cards, i just thought i would show my very small workspace where i do all my work. You can never normally see the desk though.


I had some of my designs made in to gift cards, and they have arrived, i'm quite pleased with them and i think i'll come up with some christmas designs and get them made in to cards, an easy way to get my illustrations out there.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

So it's been a while....

I haven't really updated my blog with any work recently, but i have been busy working on some illustrations. I am quite interested in children's book illustrations and so have been working on some characters. To make it a little easier to start with i came up with a few simple gift card ideas. This whole thing of drawing people in any way is something i have always struggled with, so i am quite pleased with the outcome.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


yesterday i got up at 5.30am to travel down to Bristol for the last day of the Banksy exhibition. We joined the biggest queue i have ever seen and waited just over 3 and a half hours to get in, it was worth the wait.